For whatever reason, ActiveCampaign doesn't have an app to integrate with Clickbank… it appears they have no plans to make one either 🙁
Other than that, AC is awesome!

Hi, I'm Brian. As a CB vendor myself, I decided to solve the problem and offer YOU the fast solution…
Automatically Add Clickbank Buyers
To Your ActiveCampaign Lists
+ Tag Them
Based On Products Purchased

WordPress Plugin.
Easy, simple config.
Start segmenting your buyers in minutes from now...
What Others Are Saying...
"I started using Clickbank quite a few years ago as this was the most suitable way to sell my products and is a great way to do so. Having added more automation for my business during the past year I moved my email list over to Active Campaign and was really pleased with everything that was offered.
The only thing that was missing was joining the two systems up. I wanted to be able send really valuable emails to people who had bought my products in real time - and not have to manually move them over at the end of each week (wasting a lot of hours in the process)
Having searched for a solution, I found ACLinkup - and I'm so pleased I did ! ACLinkup provides the invaluable functionality I need - and I wouldn't be without it now! It saves me so much time not having to do everything manually. I am all for an easier life and ACLinkup is the perfect tool to help me!"
- Chrissy at OrganizeMyHouse.com
Q: Can I use this if I sell my Clickbank product using a non-wordpress site?
A: Yes, just install this plugin on any site you own running WordPress. The domain doesn't matter. All that matters is you point Clickbank to the right place. The customer never sees any of the process.
Q: Works with multiple Clickbank products and multiple ActiveCampaign lists?
A: Yes, that's exactly what this is for.
Q: Multiple Clickbank vendor accounts or multiple ActiveCampaign accounts(subdomains)?
A: Just purchase more than one copy of AC Linkup Pro. Each installation connects 1 CB account with 1 ActiveCampaign account.
Q: Will this work if I'm the affiliate?
A: No. Clickbank doesn't send the buyers data to the affiliate. Only the vendor
Q: Other features coming?
A: Yes... buy now and you get upgrades/future version for life. We will be adding other service integrations soon (first one on the docket is SendOwl, coming April 2017).
( Screenshot Of The Settings Panel )